What Is Funny in the Parts of Speech

There are 8 parts of speech definitions for kids: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions and interjections.

It is important to understand that every give-and-take in a sentence has a office. When we learn and master the skill of identifying the part of words in sentences, we will develop our writing and speaking gifts!.

8 Parts of Speech Definitions For Kids

viii Parts of Oral communication List

One way to acquire the viii parts of speech is to visualize and memorized the listing.

  1. Nouns
  2. Pronouns
  3. Verbs
  4. Adjectives
  5. Adverbs
  6. Conjunctions
  7. Prepositions
  8. Interjections

What are the 8 Parts of Speech With Examples?

Some quick examples of the eight parts of speech for kids!

  • Rachel is my best friend. (Noun)
  • You are very talented. (Pronoun)
  • The storm destroyed the barn (Verb)
  • Rachel is a beautiful person. (Adjective)
  • The children are very restless. (Adverb)
  • James and Candice are very talented. (Conjunction)
  • The children went to the playground afterward schoolhouse. (Preposition)
  • Oops, I left my keys in the car! (Interjection)

8 Parts of Spoken language Definitions With Examples

Let'southward look at these viii parts of speech individually.

one. What are Nouns?

Definitions of Nouns With Examples

Nouns are words that proper name persons, places, things, ideas, animals, feelings, events, qualities and actions.

  • Jennifer is my best friend. (Naming a Person)
  • I went to Africa over the summer. (Naming a Place)
  • The cycle was stolen. (Naming a Affair)
  • We fought for freedom. (Naming an Idea)
  • My dog had a trip to the vet. (Naming an Brute)
  • He is e'er sad! (Naming a Feeling)
  • The wedding was beautiful. (Naming an Event)
  • It took not bad courage to admit he was wrong. (Naming a Quality)
  • The landing of the aircraft was dangerous. (Naming an Action)

Types of Nouns With Examples

Nouns generally have eight types. Here are the eight types of nouns: proper nouns, common nouns, concrete nouns, abstruse nouns, collective nouns, compound nouns, countable nouns and not-countable nouns.

  • David is a biblical name. (Proper name)
  • Where is the toy? (Mutual Noun)
  • The car was stolen. (Concrete Noun)
  • All we need is honey! (Abstract Substantive)
  • The grade of 2021 has graduated. (Collective Noun)
  • The rainwater filled the concrete tank near the barn. (Compound Noun)
  • I have several songs (Countable Noun)
  • The data is in the volume on the shelf. (Non-Countable Noun)

Types of Noun Functions With Examples

Nouns generally have 8 functions. The 8 types of substantive functions are: noun functions equally subject, direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, object of preposition, appositive, object of complement and direct address.

  • James penned a book in the Bible. (Substantive Functions as Subject)
  • Tony cleaned the motorcar before the football game game. (Noun Functions as Straight Object)
  • Colin gave Jennifer the mobile telephone and then she could call her mother. (Noun Functions equally Indirect Object)
  • Peter is rex of the castle. (Noun as Predicate Nominative)
  • The students listened quietly during the lecture. (Noun Functions as Object of Preposition)
  • John, my brother, is also my best friend. (Noun Functions as an Appositive)
  • She named her dog boo boo! (Substantive Functions equally Objective Complement)
  • Students, you demand to mind quietly! (Noun functions as Noun of Directly Address)

2. What are Pronouns?

Definition of Pronouns With Examples

Pronouns are words that supervene upon nouns in order to avoid the repetition of the same substantive again and again.

  • Dad, volition you help me with my work? (You Replaces Dad)
  • The electrician stock-still the problem and he was very professional person in the process. (He replaces Electrician)
  • Jenny is a great female parent and she helps her children the best she tin can. (She Replaces Jenny)
  • The boss appreciated his workers and he gave them the day off. (He Replaces Boss and Them Replaces Workers)
  • James is my younger blood brother and he is very talented. (He Replaces James)

Types of Pronouns With Examples

Pronouns generally accept 8 types. They are: personal pronouns, interrogative pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, indefinite pronouns, relative pronouns, reflexive pronouns and intensive pronouns.

  • The ladies went shopping and they bought some new clothing. (Personal Pronoun)
  • What is your favorite sport? (Interrogative Pronoun)
  • The car that was damaged was his. (Possessive Pronoun)
  • That is yours! (Demonstrative Pronoun)
  • Some became sick during the pandemic. (Indefinite Pronoun)
  • The caravan that was in the backyard belongs to our friends. (Relative Pronoun)
  • The domestic dog saw himself in the window. (Reflexive Pronoun)
  • I myself fixed the trouble. (Intensive Pronoun)

iii. What are Verbs

Definition of Verbs With Examples

Verbs are words that show action or state-of-being. Every sentence requires a verb.

Activity verbs bear witness activeness or buying; whereas, state-of-existence verbs renames the subject.

  • Jimmy rode his new bike to school. (Activity Verb)
  • Jimmy is the almost popular boy in schoolhouse. (State-of-being Verb)
  • Mary gave her money to charity. (Action Verb)
  • Mary is very generous with her money. (State-of-being Verb)

Types of Verb Functions With Examples

Verbs take 2 functions. They can function as transitive verbs or intransitive verbs.

Transitive verbs carry action from the doer to the receiver; whereas, intransitive verbs do not conduct the action to the receiver.

  • Reverend David writes sermons for his congregation. (Transitive Verb)
  • Reverend David spoke elegantly during his sermon. (Intransitive Verb)
  • Rachel sang the songs with ease during the concert. (Transitive Verb)
  • Rachel sang beautifully during the concert. (Intransitive Verb)
  • Peter watched movies with his friends over the weekend. (Transitive Verb)
  • Peter watched with excitement with his friends. (Intransitive Verb)
  • Jimmy ran the ball across the field to score a goal. (Transitive Verb)
  • Jimmy ran across the field to avoid the other players. (Intransitive Verb)

Types of Verb Voices With Examples

Verbs have voice simply go on in heed that only transitive verbs have voice!

Voice tells whether the subject of a sentence performs the action or receives the action.

Voice can be either active (field of study performing the activeness) or passive (the subject receiving the action).

  • Leigh played the piano during the school concert. (Active Vox)
  • The piano was played by Leigh during the school concert. (Passive Voice)
  • Dad drove the tractor on the subcontract during the summer holidays. (Active Voice)
  • The tractor was driven past dad on the farm during the summer holidays (State-of-being Verb)
  • Jimmy repaired the cycle with the new parts. (Active Voice)
  • The bike was repaired by Jimmy with the new parts. (Passive Vox)

Types of Verb Tenses

Verbs accept three tenses: by, present and future.

  • I walked to school this morning. (Past Tense)
  • I walk to school every day. (Present Tense)
  • I will walk to school tomorrow. (Hereafter Tense)
  • They collection to work yesterday. (By Tense)
  • They drive to piece of work every solar day. (Nowadays Tense)
  • They will drive to work tomorrow. (Future Tense)

4. What are Adjectives?

Definition of Adjectives With Examples

Adjectives are words that change or depict nouns or pronouns.

  • Rebekah painted a beautiful landscape. (Adjective Modifying Noun)
  • She is generous. (Adjective Describing Pronoun)

Types of Adjectives With Examples

There are mostly 8 types of adjectives in English language grammar. The eight types of adjectives are: proper, descriptive, interrogative, possessive, numeral, demonstrative, distributive and quantitative.

  • English grammer is learned at school. (Proper Adjective)
  • The weary traveler stayed overnight. (Descriptive Adjective)
  • What type of song should I play at the concert? (Interrogative Adjective)
  • The boys played football in their backyard. (Possessive Adjective)
  • He had three pizzas for lunch. (Numeral Adjective)
  • Those players were suspended for violent behavior. (Demonstrative Adjective)
  • Every singer was asked to get in on time for the concert. (Distributive Adjective)
  • Dad doesn't get enough exercise these days. (Quantitative Describing word)

v. What are Adverbs?

Definition of Adverbs With Examples

Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

  • Mum thoughtfully prepared our Christmas lunch. (Modifying a Verb)
  • It was a very interesting experience to meet the President. (Modifying an Adjective)
  • Brad played the game extremely well for his age. (Modifying an Adverb)

Types of Adverbs With Examples

There are several types of adverbs in English grammer. These types of adverbs are: adverbs of time, style, place, degree and frequency.

  • My parents volition be home soon. (Adverb of Time)
  • The builders worked advisedly on the building site. (Adverb of Mode)
  • She put her keys at that place. (Adverb of Place)
  • Rebekah's painting was very beautiful. (Adverb of Degree)
  • Jimmy never works on the weekends these days. (Adverb of frequency)

vi. What are Prepositions?

Definition of Prepositions With Examples

Prepositions are words that bear witness the relationship between words in sentences.

  • Peter found his keys under the newspaper.
  • Jennifer was built-in on Sunday, December 31, 2002.
  • Brad went to the park to play ball with his friends.

Types of Prepositions With Examples

There are generally 8 types of prepositions in English grammar. These viii types of prepositions are: prepositions of fourth dimension, place, movement, manner, measure, source, possession and amanuensis or instrument.

  • He graduated before his trip Europe. (Preposition of Time)
  • Emma left her keys on the table in the spare room. (Preposition of Place)
  • Bailey ran across the field to become to his friends. (Preposition of Motion)
  • The children went to the concert by bus. (Preposition of Style)
  • I bought several kilograms of potatoes at the market. (Preposition of Measure)
  • He received a generous gift from his mother for Christmas. (Preposition of Source)
  • I helped a friend with a learning inability. (Preposition of Possession)
  • He cut the wood with his electric saw. (Preposition of Agent or Musical instrument)

7. What are Conjunctions?

Definition of Conjunctions With Examples

Conjunctions are words that join words, phrases and clauses together.

  • Peter and James are best friends. (Joining Words Together)
  • We went to the beach today simply it turned out to be a disaster (Joining Clauses Together
  • I went to the hardware shop and to the markets. (Joining Phrases Together)

Types of Conjunctions With Examples

There are generally iv types of conjunctions in English grammar. The 4 types of conjunctions are: analogous, subordinating, correlative and adverbial conjunctions.

  • David and Jonathan fixed the tractor. (Analogous Conjunction)
  • Dad fixed the bike before going to work. (Subordinating Conjunction)
  • Mum is both patience and loving. (Correlative Conjunction)
  • James went to the hardware store; however, he could not find what he was looking for. (Conjunctive Adverb)

8. What are Interjections?

Definition of Interjections With Examples

Interjections are words that express or show feelings and emotions.

  • Oops, I left my coin on the table!
  • I won the prize, wahoo!.
  • Ouch, that really hurt!
  • Yippee, we are finally going to the game today!

viii Parts of Oral communication Definitions for Kids

Name Definition Word Example
noun name things apple tree/head An apple fell on his caput.
pronoun replaces a noun he/she/it David is wise and he is funny!
verb action words run/bound She jumped the fence.
adjective describes things pretty/lamentable She is a pretty girl.
adverb modifies action slowly/advisedly He worked slowly.
preposition shows relationship between words in/at/on He put the keys on the table.
conjunction joins things and/but Jimmy and John are friends.
interjection expresses emotion wow/ah Wow, that was fantabulous!

8 Parts of Spoken communication Definitions For Kids Chart

8 Parts of Speech Definitions For Kids Chart


Source: https://grammarmedia.com/8-parts-of-speech-definitions-for-kids/

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